As well as working successfully with ICTS and ABM, we are very proud of our other AGS success stories.
Listed below are some of the other initiatives we have been involved within recent years…
AGS success stories – Bombardier Transportation
Since May 2017 and partnering with Cat 1 Safety and ELBA (East London Business Authority), we have successfully placed on permanent FTE Contracts, 74 Train Presentation Operatives.
10 of whom were from Cat 1 and 6 from ELBA.
ELBA provided 4 individuals who were long term unemployed directly hired by BT.
We also support permanent placements and internal promotions within Bombardier.
This has led to a recent promotion of one of our female Operatives, to a Team Leader role.
AGS success stories – Working Chance
Working Chance is a charity who work with women from a range of backgrounds.
We have successfully partnered with Working Chance to attract Women Ex-Offenders.
We liaised directly with HMP Downview Community and Engagement Manager and placed 5 women with BT who were due for imminent release.
They attended the client’s premises for training whilst on day release and attained employment.
AGS success stories – Shaw Trust
To date, we have secured work for 70 plus ShawTrust jobseekers across all our client base; from AGS, Tfl – London Underground, ABM, Bombardier Transportation, Mitie and ICTS.
We received an award for “‘Employer of the Year Award 2019″‘ at the WLA (West London Alliance) Event in March this year.
The event was run in partnership with Shaw Trust.