AGS, Standing Together Against Cancer – Shine Walk…

Each year, Cancer Research UK (CRUK) organises a marathon in London that stretches from Southwark Park to Old Billingsgate, a whopping 26.2 miles but have you heard of the Shine Walk?
Participants in the London Marathon have the option to undertake a 10km, half-marathon or full marathon, much like any similar fundraiser.
But what’s different about the Shine Walk, is that it’s held after dark.
Yes, people come out in their thousands, decked out with glow sticks, torches, and all the eccentric accessories they can carry, to take part in this epic fundraising event.
Shine Walk – A Change Of Plans For CRUK
The Shine Walk is such a hugely popular fundraiser for Cancer Research UK, that it was expected to raise £4.89 million this year alone, but sadly, due to Covid-19, the difficult decision has been made to cancel the event.
However, like thousands of other people who had signed up for the event, we’re not going to let this stop us – after all, there’s no more worthwhile a cause!
The Shine Walk raises money to support research into all types of cancers, with the option for participants to specify a particular cause they’d like to donate to.
At AGS, breast and prostate cancers are the focus of our fundraising activity, as these have affected members of our team on a personal level.
Shine Walk – AGS And Cancer Research
At AGS One, fundraising for prostate cancer research has been an ongoing project as the chosen charity of the branch.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, affecting 1 in 6 males during their lifetime.
In a male-dominated sector, this is an area we feel a duty to lend our support to, for the good of our staff, clients and communities.
So, during July members of our AGS and AGS One teams will be taking part in the Shine Walk Your Way event, raising money and awareness for CRUK on an individual level, without the mass gathering or glow-sticks.
Instead, we’ll be doing what we do best, keeping our heads down, pushing on, and supporting a worthwhile cause.
If you’d like to help support CRUK, you can donate to them directly, or better yet, support someone in your community who is taking on the Shine Walk Your Way challenge.
Together, we can stand up to cancer!