Celebrating Hidden Heroes Day…

Today more than ever its important to champion Hidden Heroes Day!
Over the last six months, those risking their safety for the welfare of others has been paramount.
We’ve rightly applauded our NHS and key workers, the frontline staff who go beyond the call of duty to safeguard the rest of us during a crisis.
But it isn’t only the doctors, nurses, teachers and care workers who deserve our recognition – there are scores of workers who play equally essential roles in the day-to-day functioning of our country.
Celebrating Hidden Heroes Day
September 29th is Hidden Heroes Day and we want to mark it by acknowledging and appreciating some of those workers who slip below the radar.
Especially those who are valued AGS teams and staff.
Here are just a few of the roles that often don’t get the level of recognition they deserve and fall under our core supply.
Often taken for granted, our nation relies on the hard graft of cleaning staff more than ever.
Whether cleaning offices to allow people to return to work safely or taking care of busy stations and touchpoints during peak hours, cleaners reduce the risk we all experience when we leave our homes.
We all appreciate the risks involved for our police force, but spare a thought too for those in security roles during the pandemic.
From monitoring CCTV cameras to managing incidents on the ground, security staff are on the frontline day in, day out, even providing drop-off services for the elderly.
Pests Control
Chances are, you’re likely to be blissfully unaware of how busy rodent control teams have been this year.
With a large proportion of offices going unmanned during the lockdown, rodents, pigeons and other pests were quick to take advantage.
Pest control teams went above and beyond to eliminate unwelcome visitors, ready for a return to work.
Where would we be without these hidden heroes?
The drivers who travel up and down the country (and beyond) to keep shop shelves filled, get crews from A to B, and keep the logistics chain running.
Long shifts, gruelling journeys and days spent away from their families, we salute all those who keep the wheels turning.
Temperature Checkers
As we return to a “new normal”, there is a new breed of hidden heroes emerging.
As more businesses open with COVID-safe procedures in place, there is a growing need for Temperature Checkers.
These frontline workers have the tasks of screening people for raised temperatures and turning them away if deemed necessary.
This allows the rest of us to return to work safely.
So, whether it be Nursery workers, refuse collectors, people working in corner shops – we’ve come to see just how valuable all of these roles are in our communities.
As such, we ask you on Hidden Heroes Day, to take a moment to think of those individuals and make sure you let them know that you see their hard work and commitment.
We’re thankful for the work out operatives provide during these uncertain times.
People who on a daily basis, remind us, that not all heroes wear capes!